This novel by the winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature won the 1989 Booker and adapted into a film starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, nominated for eight Oscars including best picture.
It is written in the form of reminiscences by a butler, Mr Stevens, who used to work for Lord Darlington at Darlington Hall. As he remembers his life as a servant and his tangential observations of secret negotiations between the British and Nazi German governments, the reader realises the sacrifices he has made in order to serve and the minimal reward he has gained.
He is seeking to define what makes a great butler. He never claims that he himself is a great butler but his long service at the top of his profession suggests he might have been, although service has cost him and now he is beginning to make mistakes as age and exhaustion catch up with him. Given that his savings are small and that his home has always been in the great houses of his employers, one fears for his future if he ever has to retire.
In order to serve his employers he has repressed all sense of personality and personal relationships, to the extent of missing the death of his own father upstairs because he had duties downstairs and, for the same reason but on another occasion, failing to condole with a bereaved colleague. He could come across as pyschopathically cold and unemotional but one senses that he has feelings, he just suppresses them.
The style is as a diary written a few days before and during a road trip that he makes to see an old colleague; therefore in the first person and incorporating both present and past tense. We learn both the details of the road trip (visiting beauty spots, drinking tea, running out of fuel etc) and his memories. It doesn't quite ring true because many of the conversations are reported verbatim, even those from many years before. Although he is prepared to lie to people he meets, and there is one occasion when he corrects something he said earlier, the narration seems fairly reliable - it is nothing like the frequently self-contradictory and self-serving narration of, for example, The Good Solider by Ford Madox Ford.
It wasn't difficult to read, although the narrator, Stevens, is somewhat long-winded and formal, and although his anecdotes sometimes ramble. It wasn't exactly a page-turner but I was never bored. It managed to make me feel gently sorry for the opportunities this dry old stick had missed and the sense that his life had been wasted in serving outdated employers in a vanishing world.
Selected quotes:
- "The great butlers are great by virtue of their ability to inhabit their professional role and inhabit it to the utmost ... They wear their professionalism as a decent gentleman will wear his suit: he will not let ruffians or circumstances tear it off him in the public gaze; he will discard it when, and only when, he wills to do so, and this will invariably be when he is entirely alone. It is, as I say, a matter of 'dignity'." (Day One - Evening: last page)
- "I would myself much prefer to wait on just one diner, even if he were a total stranger. It is when there are two diners present, even when one of them is one's own employer, that one finds it most difficult to achieve that balance between attentiveness and the illusion of absence that is essential to good waiting." (Day Two - Morning)
- "We were ... an idealistic generation for whom the question was not simply one of how well one practised one's skills, but to what end one did so; each of us harboured the desire to make our own small contribution to the creation of a better world." (Day Two - Afternoon)
- "One has had the privilege of practising one's profession at the very fulcrum of great affairs." (Day Three - Morning)
- "There is, after all, a real limit to how much ordinary people can learn and know, and to demand that each and every one of them contribute 'strong opinions' to the great debates of the nation cannot, surely, be wise." (Day Three - Evening)
- "His lordship ... chose a certain path in life, it proved to be a misguided one, but there, he chose it, he can say that at least. ... I trusted in his lordship's wisdom. All those years I served him, I trusted I was doing something worthwhile. I can't even say I made my own mistakes. Really - one has to ask oneself - what dignity is there in that?" (Day Six - Evening)
- "The evening's the best part of the day. You've dome your day's work. Now you can put your feet up and enjoy it." (Day Six - Evening)
- "Surely it is enough that the likes of you and me at least try to make a small contribution count for something true and worthy." (Day Six - Evening)
I suppose that the book resonated with me because I have retired after 33 years working as a public servant, a school teacher in state comprehensive schools. All those years and what for? Very few of the kids I taught ever made it through to become outstanding exponents of what I taught, Physics, though one or two have made a name in other fields. The obvious successes are balanced by those who ended up committing suicide, or in prison. Probably my influence helped shape lives in some small ways but it is almost impossible to discern, and if it had not been for my guidance and support they would have found other hands to help them, or they would have succeeded by themselves. So I do wonder whether it was worth while and whether I could not have had a more fulfilling and successful life if I had taken another path. Now I am trying to write novels and they are heroically unsuccessful: self-published and rarely purchased. I fear dying with regrets. I think I know how Stevens must feel.
Other books by Sir Kazuo Ishiguro reviewed in thius blog include:
March 2025; 258 pages
Published by Faber and Faber in 1989
My paperback edition was issued in 2011.